Monday, March 22, 2010

401 - Unauthorized Access Error

Simply put, the 401 error is trying to tell you that the page allows only authorized visitors.

Unauthorized error messages may be slightly different depending on the website you visit. The message remains the same but each website has the freedom to put their own touch to the same message. You may see a message that reads; HTTP Error or 401 Error or Unauthorized, which may look different but mean the same thing. In a nutshell, you are not authorized to visits this page at this time.

There are many times we need proper identification to be allowed in certain areas, which is true for websites also. Without proper identification, you are basically an uninvited guest. Some websites require some kind of information to allow access, just like trying to get into a concert without a ticket.

If you are trying to access an unauthorized page, the message will usually appear where the information would normally be displayed. In a few simple words it will inform you that you are an uninvited guest. If you are met with the 401 error code it can means one of a number of different things:
  • You don’t have the credentials to get into the site. If you are trying to get on the site without proper access and you want access, you can request from the site the necessary credentials to become an authorized user.
  • You have proper access, but you still can’t get in. If you are an invited guest who does have the proper access, you may have just typed your password or user name in wrong. Try re-typing your ID and password in again and hope that it was just a typing mistype. If not, you will need to contact the person in charge of the site to ensure your password and user name are correct.
  • The URL or site address may be wrong. If you are met with the unauthorized access error and you are sure this is not a site that requires special access there is a possibility that the URL or address is wrong. Putting in a wrong address by even one letter wrong will point a browser to a different site. Try re-typing it carefully to see if this solves the problem.
  • There may be a problem with the site itself. If you have tried all of the tips above and none of these have worked you should contact the site’s webmaster. This error may be caused from a glitch in the site that cannot be fixed from the user’s end.

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